9R’s core values reflect our journey and mission to seek sustainable returns for all our stakeholders while having a positive impact on the environment, local communities and ensuring good governance. ESG matters provide the framework from which the Group implements its sustainable practices through setting targets in material areas while managing our performance to be a successful business.
In our daily operations, we strive for efficient energy usage and proper management of general office waste. Given the climate change crisis the world is undergoing, we try to mitigate GHG emissions by also offering solutions and innovations to the market that do not impact the environment negatively. We expect that our suppliers and vendors also maintain the same care and concern as we do for the environment.
9R nurtures and grows talent while at the same time, provides a safe and enjoyable workplace for all. We are also cognisant of our role in society, primarily as a provider of jobs. As a provider of solutions and innovations in supply chain management, we help ease the labour issues that other businesses are undergoing. Our lifestyle retail business focuses on family-friendly entertainment for all in a fun and safe environment.
The Group strives to maintain the highest standards of corporate conduct through being sincere, righteous, faithful and honest in all our business dealings. 9R is guided by the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018 and recognises that good governance is key to sustainable growth.
9R’s sustainability reports are a reflection of our core values and offers information on the Group’s measures and targets in material areas together with its performance in these areas.